What is the best way to boost your professionalism as a phlebotomist? Never missing the vein. Discover a device that will assist phlebotomists to get a great stick the first time, every time: The portable Vein-Eye Carry.
While missing a puncture can be uncomfortable for a patient, it can also be life threatening. While over 40 million vein punctures occur daily, every day 20% of phlebotomists fail on their first attempt and 33% fail on their first attempt with newborns and children. With missed punctures, medicine, blood, or other fluids could be injected outside of the vein. This easy mistake can result in a severe problem. The tissue around the vein could die, hematomas could occur, or an infection could begin to form. The Vein-Eye Carry technology is perfectly equipped for managing an infusion and detecting when medicine is being leaked from the veins. The Vein-Eye Carry will immediately display the leaking medicine and the hemoglobin (oxygen in the blood). The fully portable Vein-Eye Carry takes the guessing out of the process.

When utilized within a medical facility, pairing the Vein-Eye Carry with a phlebotomy chair has never been easier. The advanced camera attaches perfectly to the ledge of any phlebotomy chair.
Our Clinton Industries Inc phlebotomy chairs and carts for blood drawing are ideal for this device as they allow for a large amount of working space and multiple placement choices.
The well-being and comfort of patients are always a top concern. With the new Vein-Eye Carry, phlebotomists are always able to hit the vein the first